Nutrition Counseling

Nutrition counseling is an individualized approach to improving your health with food and nutrition. It is a continuous learning process where we identify problems, set priorities, and establish specific goals that are relevant to you in your life. We will meet you where you are and provide you with the support, tools, resources, and knowledge needed to make healthy adjustments to your nutrition and lifestyle.

How will Nutrition Counseling help me?

Food and nutrition are essential to maintaining a healthy body and healthy mind. Nutrition counseling can help bridge the nutritional gaps in your life while helping you create a plan of action that recognizes and promotes self care. We can provide reliable nutrition guidance for a wide range of nutrition topics, including weight management, preventative health, and nutrition education. We can help you become confident in making and maintaining healthy lifestyle changes that support your goals and desired outcomes. We can also help answer any questions you have about specific diets, trends, or new research related to nutrition.

What does a Nutrition Counseling session look like?

Nutrition counseling starts with an evaluation of your overall health. We will look at several different health-related markers to identify a nutrition problem you are struggling with. If you already know exactly what you need to improve, great! If you’re not sure where to start, that’s ok – we’ll work through it together. We then create specific, measurable, achievable, and realistic goals based on your individual identified needs and desired outcomes. Finally, we monitor your progress and make changes or modifications as needed, so there is no need to feel stuck in one place.

How can I prepare for a Nutrition Counseling session?

When you book an appointment, you will be sent several forms to fill out and if you need any help filling out the forms or have specific questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Ideally, we would like all the paperwork completed at least 24 hours before your appointment time – this helps us focus more on assessment, goal setting, and getting to know one another rather than going through paperwork during our session. Of course, we want you to be comfortable and relaxed so if you need any special assistance or accommodations, please let us know and we will be happy to help.

For more information on a few ways you can benefit from working with a registered dietitian, please see the RDN Recipe for Success handout.

Our Dietitian